Individual Events

Individual Event Guidelines
1.   The 13 individual events will run simultaneously in different classrooms at CLHS.
2.   Each team may enter at most five (5) individual events with one or two students in each event.
3.   A student that has competed in a particular event in a prior year should be entered in a different event this year.
4.   Students may practice for their event but may not bring any materials (except as noted) to the competition site.
5.   Most of these events will be held in classrooms where space for observers is limited.
6.   Points will be earned for the top five individual teams.
7.  Events with less than 3 registrants will not run.  Registrants will be asked to select a different event.

Bridging the Gap

Type of Event: Individual (one student, who may work with an adult)

Description of Event: Each student-adult pair will work together to construct a computer model of a bridge, using the bridge-building software provided.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   Each student/adult team will be located at a computer station.
2.   Each computer station is loaded with bridge design software.
3.   Instructions will be given in the use of the software.
4.   The team will familiarize itself with the software and attempt to design a bridge that supports the design load at minimum cost.
5.   You may practice for the contest by going to and downloading software that you can run on your computer.

Scoring: The team with the lowest cost bridge that supports the design load is the winner.

Build it Again

Type of Event: Individual (requires a team of two students)

Description of Event: One team member will be asked to create a structure with materials provided (ie. Legos, paper clips, straws, etc.). His/her teammate will have to follow his/her oral directions to rebuild the same model.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.  One team member will construct a structure with materials provided. There will be a 10 minute time limit for this portion of the event.

2.  All materials for the structure will be provided. The same materials will be made available to the teammate when they attempt reconstruction.

3.  The reconstruction of the structure must occur in 15 minutes.

Scoring: Team structures will be compared based on the number of objects in the correct position. Any ties that occur will be broken by the faster reconstruction time.

Earth on Display

Type of Event: Individual (one student or two students working together)

Description of Event: Each team will move around the room on cue to each of approximately ten different stations where questions will be posed about the objects at the station.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   At each station, team members will answer questions, one member of the team writing answers on the answer sheet provided.
2.   Questions posed at individual stations may require knowledge about:
      a.   fossils
      b.   measuring (not calculating) the volume of a solid object
      c.   types of rock
      d.   determining density
      e.   teeth of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
      f.    physical traits of the planets
      g.   using a contact goniometer
      h.   erosion
      i.    the water cycle
      j.    weather instruments
Scoring: The winner will be determined by the highest percentage of correct answers to the questions.

Don’t Spill the Beans

Type of Event: Individual (two students)

Description of Event: The students will be given a supply of items from which to build a safe way to transport 12 beans over a 20-meter canyon.

Rules and Needed Skills for Don’t Spill the Beans:
1.  Two students work as a team for this “individual” competition.
2.  Students are not allowed to throw the beans.

Scoring: The team with that successfully transports the greatest number of beans in the least amount of time shall be declared the winner. 

Floating Low

Type of Event: Individual (one student)

Description of Event: The student will construct and float a barge that carries a maximum number of small objects.

Rules and Needed Skills for Barge Float:
1.   Each student will be provided with one square of aluminum foil, 15 cm on a side, and two standard paper clips.
2.   Student may bring a scissors and ruler if desired. No other materials may be used.
3.   Student will have 15 minutes to construct his device.
4.   Each device must float in a 5-gallon bucket, which is half full of water.
5.   The student will add penny-size metal objects one at a time until the device sinks.
6.   Judges will count the number of objects in the barge when it sinks.

Scoring: The number of objects in the barge when it sinks minus one is the score.

Flying High

Type of Event: Individual (one student)

Description of Event: The student will construct and launch one aerodynamic device that remains aloft for a maximum amount of time and travels a maximum distance after release.

Rules and Needed Skills for Airplane Fly:
1.   Each student will be provided with three sheets of standard copy paper, 20 cm of transparent tape, and two standard paper clips.
2.   Student may bring a scissors and ruler if desired. No other materials may be used.
3.   Student will have 15 minutes to construct his device.
4.   The device must be aerodynamic in design. Drag (air resistance) may not be used for lift.
5.   The device must have a wingspan of at least 7 cm.
6.   The device must be launched from one hand.
7.   Each device must make two flights:
      a.   The first will be from within a 1-meter diameter circle on the gymnasium floor. Time aloft will be recorded.
      b.   The second will be from the stage. Distance beyond the edge of the stage will be recorded.
8.   Feet must remain planted during either launch.
9.   Each contestant will be given three minutes during which both flights must be made. Multiple flights may be made within the time limit as long as the judge has time to record each flight.

Scoring: The sum of the time aloft (flight one) in deciseconds plus the distance (flight two) in meters is the score.

  Got A Clue?

Type of Event: Individual (two students working together)

Description of Event:  Team members will answer a series of mystery questions about blood evidence, analysis of powders, shoe print evidence and fiber analysis.  The team with the most correct answers will win the competition.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.  Students must be familiar with blood typing.  Understanding the reaction a blood cell has when mixed with another type of blood cell will be important when answers the questions in the blood analysis section of the competition.

2.  Students should be familiar with chemical reactions.

3.  Students should be capable to working a compound light microscope. 

Scoring:  The team with the most correct answers will win the competition.

Humpty Dumpty

Type of Event:  Individual (group of two students)

Description of Event:  The contestants shall design and build a shipping container that will prevent an uncooked chicken egg (Grade A Large) from breaking when dropped from an initial height of 30 feet. THE STRUCTURE MUST BE MADE BEFORE THE NIGHT OF THE EVENT.

1.    THE STRUCTURE MUST BE MADE BEFORE THE NIGHT OF THE EVENT. Each group will have 10 minutes to make adjustments to their structure. 
2.    Any material may be used in the design, as long as the structure meets the design and contest rules as outlined below.
a.    The container must be less than 800 cm3 in volume, with no single dimension longer than 25 cm. Volume will be calculated based on the shape of the container (inside air volume/space will not be subtracted out).  Containers must meet volume requirements to compete.
b.    The maximum weight, including the egg, cannot exceed 1, 000 grams.
c.     Contestants must be able to remove the egg without damage. No kits or pre-made designs may be used. The structure must be the individual’s invention.
d.    The structure must be completely released (no strings or other attachments) NO PARACHTES!
e.    The structure must land in a designated target area.
f.      No propulsion systems will be allowed.
g.    No gases (i.e. helium) other than air can be present in the structure   when it is weighed.
3.    At the discretion of the judges, surviving eggs with then be taken higher and dropped a second time.
4.   Once an egg is weighed-in with the structure, that egg cannot be exchanged with another.
5.    Grade A Large eggs will be supplied at the competition.  A maximum of 30 seconds will be allowed to place the egg into the container and remove it.  Exceeding these time limits will lead to 50% point deduction.
6.    If the egg is damaged during placement in the container, there will be a
50% point deduction. The contestant will have one other chance to
place an egg in the timeframe without breaking the egg.

1.    The egg must be undamaged after the drop in order for the score to be
2.    The score will be based on the following equation:


Where: S = the success factor with values equal:

a) S = 100 if egg does not break;
b) S = 1 if egg breaks;
c) W = weight of container with egg (grams) (can not exceed 1,000 grams);
d) L = Longest dimension (cm) (no dimension longer than 25 cm)
e) V = Volume (cm3) (can not exceed 800 cm3)

SFinal = total points

3.    The winner will be determined by the container with the greatest total score.


Look Before You Leap

Type of Event: Individual (one student or two students working together)

Description of Event: Each team will design a bungee cord that will allow an object to maximize distance without compromising safety.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   Each team will be provided with 1 plastic container, jelly beans, plastic bag and elastic cord.
2.  Teams will be given 20 minutes to design and practice the bungee jump.  The number of jelly beans and length of the bungee jump may be adjusted.
3.  One launch per team will be scored.  Teams will be provided a new, never-before-used cord for their official jump.
4. The plastic container may not open and spill due to excess movement during the bungee jumping. 

Scoring: The sum of the distance of the container from the starting height and the number of jelly beans used will be the score.


Marshmallow Flight

Type of Event: Individual (one student or two students working together)

Description of Event: Each team will construct a track for a marshmallow.  Marshmallows will be launched using the constructed track.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.  Each team will be provided with 1 standard paper towel tube, 1 standard toilet paper tube, 2 marshmallows, and 1 pan of flour.
2.  Teams will appoint one student to launch the marshmallow with feet on the floor, standing upright.  No leaning or bending during the launch will be permitted.
3.  The marshmallow must be launched by blowing through the tube.
4.  Teams will be given 15 minutes to practice launch techniques.
5.  One launch per team will be scored.

Scoring: The distance the marshmallow travels will be the score.

Robot Move Challenge

Type of Event: Individual (two students working in pairs)

Description of Event: Team members will program a Lego EV3 robot to move from a start position to an end "parking space" in the shortest amount of time.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   No programming skills needed.  A 10-minute demonstration will give each team the necessary information needed to complete the challenge.
2.   Each team will have 20 minutes to program, test and make adjustments to their robot before the challenge.
3.   Each team will use the best score out of three attempts.
4.   Students should have problem solving abilities and be able to work as a team.
5.   Students should have basic math and measurement skills.

Scoring: The team that can most accurately "park" their robot in the shortest amount of time will win the competition.  Total score is the time it takes to park the robot + the distance (in inches) outside of parking area (like golf, the lowest score wins).  There is a 10-second penalty added to the team's time for touching the wall.

That’s Puzzling

Type of Event: Individual (one student or two students working together)

Description of Event: Team members will move around the room working to solve various puzzles for different point values.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   Each team will be given a series of two-dimensional and three dimensional puzzles. 
2.   Each puzzle will have a different point value, according to its difficulty level. 
3.   Participants do not need to bring any materials for this event.

Scoring: Each team will be awarded points based upon the number of points accumulated in solving the puzzles. Highest total score is the team winner.

What Do I See?

Type of Event: Individual (one student or two students working together)

Description of Event: Team members will sit at individual tables or desks and be asked to solve a series of visualization problems.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   Each team will be given a series of spatial visualization problems in the form of a pictured object or drawing.
2.   Team members will be asked questions that reveal the extent of understanding of the geometric properties of the pictured object.

Scoring: Each team will be awarded points based upon the speed and accuracy with which the characteristics are determined. Highest total score is the team winner.