Team Events

Team Event Guidelines

1.     Each school should choose two to four students to participate in the “Math/Science Quiz” event. These students are to be chosen from among those participating in the individual events.
2.     Each group should choose two or three students to participate in the “Pictures Only” event. These students are to be chosen from among those participating in the individual events.
3.     Each group should choose one to three students to participate in the “Metric Olympics” event. These students are to be chosen from among those participating in the individual events.
4.     The team events will run simultaneously.
5.     Paper and pencils will be provided.
6.     Note that space limitations will limit the number of participants to one team from each school in each team event.
7.     There will be adequate space for teachers, parents and friends to observe the team competitions.
8.     First place score equals double the number of groups participating in the evening’s activities. Two fewer points for each successive place.

Math/Science Quiz

Type of Event: Team (three or four students working together)

Description of Event: Teams will directly compete to answer math/science related questions.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   Each team will be seated around its own table on the auditorium stage.
2.   The moderator will read a question, and each team will respond by writing the answer to the question on a whiteboard at their table.
3.   Calculators will be supplied.
4.   At the end of the allotted time, all teams will display their answers simultaneously.
5.   Judges will determine the correctness of the answers.
6.   Team members may confer prior to writing down their answers.

1.   One point is awarded for a correct answer.
2.   The team with the most points at the end of the competition will be declared the winner.

Pictures Only

Type of Event: Team (two or three students working together)

Description of Event: One team member will draw a representation of a particular math/scientific term or concept for team members, who must guess the term while watching it being drawn.

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   One member of the team (the sketcher) will be given a math/science term. The sketcher presents visual clues. Letters or numbers may not be used. Body gestures may not be used except to acknowledge a desired response from team members.
2.   The sketcher may not speak, except to notify the judge that the team wishes to pass that term.
3.   When a term is correctly guessed, the sketching duty rotates to the next team member in turn.
4.   This activity continues for five minutes or until the team has gone through 20 terms. The team may not go back to any terms passed.
5.   Each team will be given the same set of terms.

Scoring: The team will be awarded one point for each correctly identified term. In case of a tie, time will be used to determine the winner.

Metric Olympics

Type of Event: Team (one to three students working together)

Description of Event: Team members will estimate a metric quantity, which will then be compared to the actual value during an Olympic event. 

Rules and Needed Skills:
1.   Each member of a given school’s team will compete in the five Olympic events. 
2.   After performing the Olympic task, the group will establish their estimate for the metric quantity.
3.   Estimates will include distance, volume and mass.
4.   Students will be given 30 seconds to provide their estimate to the scorekeeper.      
5.   Teams in the top five of each Olympic task will receive points ranging from 1 (5th place) to 5 (1st place). 
6.   The team with the most overall points at the conclusion of the Metric Olympics will be declared the winner.

Scoring: Teams in the top five of each Olympic task will receive points ranging from 1 (5th place) to 5 (1st place).  The team with the most overall points at the conclusion of the Metric Olympics will be declared the winner.